The rotisserie motor, commonly known as a rotisserie grill is an electrical mechanical device responsible for rotating the rotisserie spit or turkey. Rotisserie motor units measure their rotary speeds in units of rotations per minute. It is made up of a rotor that spins and a drive unit that moves the shaft along the rotor. It is usually powered by one or more drive units and sometimes more than one.
Typically, this device uses a built-in rechargeable battery for its power supply. The rotisserie motor's weight capacity varies depending on the model. The most common weight capacity is four pounds. Still, there are several smaller rotisserie motor units available that weigh a bit less than four pounds. The smallest of these is approximately one and a half pounds; while the largest rotisserie motor units can wait up to six pounds.
Some newer models of rotisserie motors have incorporated a variable screw jack attachment, which allows it to be placed on the opposite side of the rotisserie plate. This is very convenient when using a heavy cutting board or skillet to cook food on. A similar attachment can also be added to some grills. Some rotisserie motors are equipped with rotary cutters, which allow for the addition of vegetables to the cooking spit. The addition of a charcoal lighter to the rotisserie adds even more convenience.
Rotisserie motors are manufactured in a variety of styles. Some are made of stainless steel or copper. Others are constructed from brass, copper, and other metals. A popular rotisserie motor, which can be used in gas or charcoal grills, is the Presto model. These types of rotisserie motors often have cooling fans connected to them.
For maximum cooling capacity, the fan must be attached to a separate heat shield, typically stainless steel. Most professional grade heat shields are produced from chrome plate, which provides superior heat resistance compared to typical baking plates. One of the most important components of the rotisserie motor itself is the ash collector. Any electric grill will generate ash, and the ash collector determines how much ash is collected and stored. Grills with built-in ash collectors are more expensive than those without ash collectors.
When selecting a commercial grill for your business, you should always consider how much weight capacity it has and how much it weighs. The amount of fuel, the unit uses will also affect your choice of commercial-grade rotisserie motor. You may want to select a rotisserie motor that is capable of being used in applications where heavy food is cooked, such as barbecue, but if you are primarily interested in commercial grade grill capacity and weight capacity only, a single stage rotating chuck or combo rotisserie motor would be the best choice.
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